Monday, August 13, 2007

On the way back from Jayanagar in an auto rickshaw - I was amused at how easy it was to find beauty in the smaller things. How at one point of time in the bigger scheme of things, you let yourself drown into the smallest of details - the way her fingers fold into yours; that single lock of hair that dangles down seperate from the rest; that wonderful smell of hers; that wonderful smile of hers; just how smooth and flawless her skin is.; the warmth of her hug; the way she shows she doesn't want to let you go at the end of the day, because there's never a tomorrow...

I understand now what great lovers meant when they said they could write epics about a single eyelash of the one they loved. I understand now, because I often find myself painting visual poetry in my head. I find myself smelling her in my mind, holding her close again, watching her smile. And smiling back.

Yup, I'm fucked up.


Keshav said...

You are fucked up is undeniable, but at present seems you are drunk. Are you?

Or may be in love? :P

Anonymous said...

You always make me wonder...

The way your mind works has and always will be a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

Aieee! :)

Arjun Karande said...

@Keshav: You tease me about love and put your tongue on display. How cruel.

@anonymous: You too always make me wonder... WHO ARE YOU?

@it's not important: Freaking out, are we? :P

Saurabh Baji said...

Ka re baba ... I wouldn't necessarily call that f'ed up ... and then again, being f'ed up isn't necessarily bad ...